Saturday 1 April 2023

Plava ptica Crvena ptica

Jednog sunčanog jutra, u gustoj šumi na brdu, mali plavi ptičica se probudila u svom gnezdu. Bio je to plavić, čuvena vrsta ptice poznata po svojoj plavoj boji perja. Plavić se razgibao krilima i zapjevao svoju pjesmicu, pozdravljajući novi dan.

Plavić je volio letjeti kroz gustu šumu i promatrati svijet oko sebe. Bio je radoznalac i uvijek je bio spreman istražiti nove stvari. Jednog dana, dok je letio iznad rijeke, primijetio je nešto sjajno u vodi. Bilo je to zrcalo koje se sjajilo na suncu. Plavić je bio oduševljen i odlučio je sletjeti na obalu i bolje pogledati.

Kada se spustio na obalu, plavić je ugledao drugu pticu, koja je sjedila na grančici stabla pored rijeke. To je bila prekrasna ptica s crvenim perjem i dugim repom. Plavić se uplašio jer nije znao tko je ta ptica i nije znao hoće li biti prijateljski raspoložena prema njemu.

No, crvenoperka je bila vrlo prijateljski nastrojena i pozdravila ga je s osmijehom na licu. Plavić je bio olakšan i počeo je razgovarati s njom. Shvatio je da je ona također radoznala i da voli istraživati svijet oko sebe. Zajedno su istraživali šumu i riječnu obalu, otkrivajući nove stvari i uživajući u svojoj prijateljskoj družbi.

Svakog dana, plavić i crvenoperka bi se sastali na istom mjestu i istraživali.

One sunny morning, in a dense forest on a hill, a small blue bird woke up in its nest. It was a bluebird, a famous species of bird known for its blue feathers. The bluebird stretched its wings and sang its song, greeting the new day.

The bluebird loved to fly through the dense forest and observe the world around it. It was curious and always ready to explore new things. One day, while flying above the river, it noticed something shiny in the water. It was a mirror that shone in the sun. The bluebird was thrilled and decided to land on the shore and take a closer look.

When it landed on the shore, the bluebird saw another bird sitting on a branch of a tree by the river. It was a beautiful bird with red feathers and a long tail. The bluebird was frightened because it did not know who this bird was and was unsure if it would be friendly towards it.

However, the red bird was very friendly and greeted the bluebird with a smile. The bluebird was relieved and began to talk to her. He realized that she was also curious and loved to explore the world around her. Together, they explored the forest and the riverbank, discovering new things and enjoying each other's friendly company.

Every day, the bluebird and the red bird would meet at the same place and explore.

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