Saturday 29 April 2023

Sára MæcIntíreand se Orphic Geþeode

On þone smalan tun of Salighe cumb, spræce wæs hyrd þæt an mistlic folc hæfde genumen up þæs wisteowode cyrican on þæm utemestan healfe þæs tunes. Wæs cweðen þæt hi wæron Orphices Geleafa, folc þe geleafode on þæt mæg þæra galdora to sprecan mid þam deadum and eac bringan hi eft to life.

Mæst þæra tunlice folc wæron wærige of þæm culte, ac sume wæron þærto genealæhte and wundorlic on þam geleafan. Innum þisum wæs an geong wifmann genemned Sára MæcIntíre, se wæs þæs modor þæs geworden to anum untrumnesse forlæten. Heo wæs þære þyrstig to geseon hire modor eft, and se geleafa þæs cultes wæs to swyðe bysmorlic to forthfaran.

On þam dæge þe wæs þryddan dæge of Aprile, Sára MæcIntíre wæs utgangen of hire hus and gongende to þæm wisteowode cyrican. Heo gemette þone cult gegaderod on anum hringum, and hi sungon and galdrodon ymbe ane mægð þæs cyrican. On middan þæm hringum læg an cofan, and þa geseah Sára MæcIntíre þæt hit wæs þære þæs modor.

Þa wæs Sára MæcIntíre mid ealre wlitignesse gearcunga underfangen fram þam culte, and hi sungon and galdrodon, heora stemnas ahebbende. Sára MæcIntíre gefylde hire heorte mid þære strangnesse þæra galdora, and heo fæste geond þærse cyrican, hyre modor to æriste gebiddende.

Onsomne þa wæs þær micel craeft and f
 ire, and Sára MæcIntíre wæs gewundod mid blacum fyrhtum. Þa ongann hi geond þære cyrican to sprecan, and hi gehyrde þæs modor stemn, eft lifigende.

Sára MæcIntíre wæs afylled mid blisse, and þa hi cydde hire modor to hire, þa ferde hi to hire mid earmum geleafan. Hi hreowsode on hyre synnum, ac hi wæs to blinde þæt hi ne geseah þæt hi modor wæs onfenge hire lichaman, ac hire sawul wæs ealle geondwuniende.

Þa wæs hit swa þæt þæt cult ne mihte styran þæs modor sawle, and Sára MæcIntíre wæs yldre þonne þæt ofermodige folc. Hi bæd þæt hi modor sawle to þære eorthan bringan, ac þæt cult hine forsysnode, cweþende þæt hi næfdon nane mihte ofer þam deadan.

Sára MæcIntíre ferde hyre weg mid heofunge, and hi wæs swilce geondscuadod fram þære galdra craefte. Hi wæs wiss þæt heo sceolde findan anne weg, þæt hi mihte hire modor sawle to hire gelæran, and hi ne mihte forgyldan hyre synna þæs forwyrhtan  dæg


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